THAT FIRST DAY OUT - Your ultimate diaper bag checklist

Don’t weigh yourself down - check out our insider tips on packing like a pro
Dude, we’ve been there. You’ve managed those first few days at home. You could be getting the hang of this feeding thing (heck, you’ve definitely practiced this last week) - you might even have grabbed a few hours’ sleep. And now it’s time for the next milestone - leaving the house, baby in tow…
(This one’s YOUR next milestone..because let’s not forget that with each new baby, there’s a parent levelling up too)
Stroller ready? Carrier sorted? You’ve got this!
Here are our absolute essentials to keep your bag practical but light:
DIAPERS, WIPES AND MINI DIAPER CREAM - maybe you’ve noticed, but babies go through a LOT of diapers in the first few weeks. Like, 12 a day. Pack as many as you think you’ll need for your excursion, then half as many again. A reused plastic bag can be handy in a pinch for used wipes and disposable nappies. If you’re cloth diapering, DON’T FORGET YOUR WET BAG* (can you hear the voice of experience…?)
TRAVEL CHANGING MAT - we actually used a travel one at home, too. They fold up, wipe off easily and take up less space than traditional ones. Plus, it means you may not even need more that one (if you can remember to repack every time you leave the house) - win/win/win! If you happen to forget yours, don’t worry because you’ll have…
MUSLIN CLOTHS - possibly THE most versatile item you’ll pop in your bag. Lay over a public changing mat to keep baby protected, mop up those spit ups or use as a nursing cover for parental comfort / to hep focus distractible feeders. In summer, use as a sunshade and in cool months, tuck around baby for an extra breathable layer of warmth. Our essential muslin was designed to be THE perfect size to cover all these eventualities and more without taking up vital space in your pack.
EXTRA OUTFIT FOR BABY - blowouts happen, it’s a given. BLowouts when you’re out - a certainty. Keep this in the bag, replacing if you used it when you get home. Make sure it still fits - those little ones grow FAST!
EXTRA TOP FOR YOU - I liked to keep a spare tank top/something thin that I could swap out in the case of spit ups or blowouts - little makes you feel more like a prepared parent than effortlessly switching out a soaked shirt and going about your day
SNACKS - bottle(s) and formula, even if baby has just eaten. Growing babies are hungry babies! Don't forget yourself - grab some fruit or keep a stash of granola bars in there and a throw in a bottle of water for yourself - especially if you are breastfeeding because that shiz makes you THIRSTY
* wet bags are actually fantastically useful, come to think of it. Stash soiled onesies, soaked muslins and spit-up-on shirts without gooping up everything else. Later you can use them for swimming/puddle mishaps/toilet training accidents
Seasoned parents - what would you add?